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There are few businesses today that couldn’t benefit from an effective website. Even a beautician operating from home, or a gardener providing services to their local area could be more profitable with the aid of an effective web site. But it needs to be done well as it will be the first impression made with prospective customers. Let’s work through the process systematically.

There are lots of options for getting your business online. Part 2 of our Guide “Building a Great Online Presence” covers them in some detail. This page focusses on just one of those options – getting your own unique web site – because it is the most difficult, and, usually, the most effective if done well.

14 steps to a Great Online Presence

What's In A Name?

Select the Software

Go Live

Create A Tagline

Get a hosting service

Incorporate Feedback

Decide on colours

Prepare the content

Promote The Site

Create A Logo

Build the website


Design the Site

Test and QC
Before You start to build

Lots of what is needed to consider is covered extensively in Part 1 of our Guide, so we will only cover it briefly here.

The key questions to answer are

The answers to these questions will determine what your site should look like.

Who are you?

Who are you?

What is your Mission?

What is your Mission?

What Is The Product/Service That You Are Selling?

What Is The Product/Service That You Are Selling?

Who Are Your Target Customers?

Who Are Your Target Customers?

The next set of questions to answer are

The answers to those questions will largely determine what your site will cost, and how long it will take to build.

Who Will Be Your Main Competitors?

Who Will Be Your Main Competitors?

Why Should Someone Buy From You And Not Your Competitors?

Why Should Someone Buy From You And Not Your Competitors?

Where Do You Want To Be In The Future?

Where Do You Want To Be In The Future?