We can help you to establish a new business
Evaluating the idea
Business Plan preparation
Marketing Plan preparation
Sales Forecast
Resources Plan
Procurement Plan
Initial Budgets
Cash Flow Forecast
Deciding on a trading name
Business Registrations
IP Protection
Support Services
We can help you to create a great online presence
Domain name registration
Website software
Website hosting
Web site design
Graphic Design
Website build
Search Engine Optimisation
We can help you to make your life better
Social meetups
Group counselling
Individual counselling
We can help you to buy better
Procurement Policy and Strategy
Procurement Planning
Contract Negotiation
Contract Management
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About Us
Benvest Pty Ltd

Benvest Pty Ltd was established in 1977 to act as Trustee for the Benson Family Trust.
In 1982 Benvest started trading on its own account, offering training and advisory services to medium and large businesses in the specialist areas of inventory management and forecasting.

Over the next five years, recruitment services, software development, sales of microcomputers, associated peripherals and IT consumables were added to the product offering.

Benvest History



Benvest Pty Ltd was established in 1977 to act as Trustee for the Benson Family Trust.


Started trading

In 1982 Benvest started trading on its own account, offering training and advisory services to medium and large businesses in the specialist areas of inventory management and forecasting.


IT consumables

Over the next five years, recruitment services, software development, sales of microcomputers, associated peripherals and IT consumables were added to the product offering. This all came to a grinding halt in 1987


Put in mothballs

In the aftermath of the October stockmarket crash only the IT consumables business remained. This too was shut down in 1992, unable to sustain the overheads in a shrinking market, and Benvest was put in mothballs.



Benvest was relaunched in 2002 with a different product offering – internet services and general business advisory service, and a new target market – small to medium-sized businesses.


New face

Benvest is getting a New Face – our new website - and new services. We are refocussing our internet and business advisory services to helping people to start up a new business, and to helping recent startups survive the difficult first five years.

We are adding Lifestyle Services – designed to help individual people overcome the twin scourges of the 21st century – loneliness and mental illness.

Two things haven’t changed over all these years – our desire to help people to be become better at what they do – and to provide high quality services at an affordable price. We hope we can become your trusted partner too.

Come back soon to explore our new services